Duisburg Institute for Linguistics and Social Research (Duisburger Institut für Sprach- und Sozialforschung, DISS) has been researching and publishing on social developments in Germany and abroad since 1987. It analyzes the genesis of social and cultural systems in order to promote emancipative approaches to democratic practice in politics, education and journalism. The institute’s approach is based on the method of critical discourse analysis, which was initiated and is constantly being further developed in the context of concrete research.
More information: Jäger, Siegfried: 2001: Discourse and Knowledge. Theoretical and methodological aspects of a critical discourse and dispositive analysis, in: Wodak, Ruth / Meyer, Michael: Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis, London: Page, S. 32-62. PDF (go to chapter 3)
The main areas of work currently cover the following thematic areas:
– Racism and immigration in Germany
– Developments of the extreme right
– Antisemitism
– Antiziganism (Antigypsyism)
– Jewish journalism in the 19th century
– Social exclusion
– Biopolitics (Michel Foucault)
– War and Peace policy
– Applied Critical Discourse Analysis
DISS publishes the “DISS Journal” and the “Edition DISS”. Central to the work of the institute are the discourse workshops, the working group on extreme right politics and the working group on antiziganism (antigypsyism) . Every year, the institute organizes a colloquium in which scientists and practitioners from various disciplines take part. In addition, the DISS maintains an extensive archive with primary and secondary sources on extreme right. Books, brochures, texts and lists of literature are available in full in our online library. DISS is a member of the Wissenschaftsforum Ruhr.