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Swift Yahoos Utopie Sozialkritik – Literaturliste

Beregova, Nataliya 2008: Swifts „Gulliver’s travels“. Gulliver’s Position between the Houyhnhnms and the Yahoos. Hamburg.

Brown, Laura 2010: Homeless dogs & melancholy apes. Humans and other animals in the modern literary imagination. Ithaca NY.

Clark, Jennifer 2008: Aborigines & activism. Race, Aborigines & the coming of the sixties to Australia. Crawley WA.

Clark, Paul Odell 1953: A Gulliver Dictionary. Chapel Hill NC.

Cook, Richard Irving 1967: Jonathan Swift as a Tory pamphleteer Seattle, London.

Downie, James Alan 1979: Robert Harley and the press. Propaganda and public opinion in the age of Swift and Defoe. Cambridge.

Downie, James Alan 1984: Jonathan Swift, political writer. London.

Ehrenpreis, Irvin 1983: Swift. The man, his works, and the age. [Repr.] London.

Elliott, Robert C.; Wegner, Phillip E. Hg. 2013: The shape of utopia. Studies in a literary genre. Oxford.

Erskine, Stuart 1893: The Houyhnhnm. A Journal for Yahoos. Vol. 1, no. 1-5. Jan.-June 1893. London.

F. Brady (Hg.) 1986: Twentieth Century Interpretations of Gullivers Travels: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs NJ.

Firth, Charles Harding 1919: The political significance of ‚Gulliver’s travels‘. London.

Fitz Gerald, Gregory 1982: Hunting the yahoos. Tampa FL.

Gravil, Richard (Hg.) 1974: Swift, „Gulliver’s travels“. A casebook. London.

Hein, Jennifer 2014: ‘Abominable yahoos‘. Exploring the historical memory of the beginning of the Salvation Army in South Australia. Flinders SA.

Jeffares, Alexander Norman Hg. 1967: Fair liberty was all his cry. A tercentenary tribute to Jonathan Swift, 1667-1745. London.

Kelly, Joe; Costello-Sullivan, Kathleen 1997: Critical approaches to Swift. The Yahoos and A modest proposal. Ft. Lauderdale FL.

Morton, Arthur Leslie 1952: The English Utopia. London.

Newberry, Mike 1964: The Yahoos. New York.

Pötzsch, Janelle 2017: Jonathan Swift and philosophy. Lanham, MD.

Rawson, Claude Julien 2001: God, Gulliver, and genocide. Barbarism and the European imagination, 1492-1945. Oxford, New York.

Real, Hermann Josef; Vienken, Heinz J. (Hg.) 1985: Proceedings Münster Symposium on Jonathan Swift. München.

Robinson, Elaine L. 2006: Gulliver as slave trader. Racism reviled by Jonathan Swift. Jefferson NC.

Schuhmann, Kuno; Möller, Joachim 1981: Jonathan Swift. Darmstadt.

Sumillera, Rocío Gutiérrez 2013: Platonic theories of the perfect state and the human soul in Gulliver’s voyage to Houyhnmland. In: Revista de Filología Inglesa 34, S.193–210.

Wedel, Theodore Otto 1926: On the philosophical background of „Gulliver’s travels.“ In: University of North Carolina Press Studies in philology 23, S.434-450.

Weiß, Wolfgang 1992: Swift und die Satire des 18. Jahrhunderts. Epoche, Werke, Wirkung. München.