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Rassismus, Psychoanalyse, Affekt
Eine Gruppe um Nicholas Anthony Eppert and Claire Song, (New York University) gründeten im Frühjahr eine Lesegruppe, um den Komplex ‚Race, Psychoanalysis and Affect’ aufzuarbeiten. Sie veröffentlichten ihre Leseliste, die nachfolgend wiedergegeben wird, online unter:
Einführung (Übersetzung)
Während Sexualität für die Psychoanalyse von grundlegender Bedeutung ist und die Queer- und Gender-Theorie zunehmend in das psychoanalytische Denken integriert wird (wie aus der jüngsten Entschuldigung der American Psychoanalytic Association an die LGBTQ-Community hervorgeht), bleiben Fragen der Rasse immer noch ein Außenseiter der psychoanalytischen Theorie und Praxis. Andererseits beschäftigt sich die kritische Rassentheorie selten mit Fragen, die mit Psychoanalyse zu tun haben, und findet stattdessen einen bequemeren Gesprächspartner in der Affekttheorie. (…)
Preliminary Reading
Kelly Oliver, “Psychoanalysis and Race (290-301)” in The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Race. Ed. Paul C Taylor, Linda Martín Alcoff and Luvell Anderson. Routledge, 2017.
History of Psychoanalysis as Racialized Liberation
Bruno Bosteels, “Preface (1-28),” in Marx and Freud in Latin America: Politics, Psychoanalysis and Religion in Times of Terror. Verso, 2012.
Daniel José Gaztambide. “‘A Tool to Achieve Power’: Colonialism, Anti-Blackness, and Anti-Semitism (1-30),” in A People’s History of Psychoanalysis: From Freud to Liberation Psychology. The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2019.
Eli Zaretsky, “Beyond the Blues: The Racial Unconscious and Collective Memory (18-79),” in Political Freud: A History. New York: Columbia University Press, 2015.
Blackness and Afro-pessimism 1
David Marriott, “In memory of absent fathers: black paternity and social spectatorship (118-135),” in Psycho-politics and Cultural Desires. Ed. Jan Campbell and Janet Harbord. UCL Press, 1998.
Optional Reading: David Marriott, “That Within (33-68)” in Haunted Life: Visual Culture and Black Modernity. Rutgers University Press. 2007.
Hortense Spillers, “Mama’s Baby, Papa’s Maybe: An American Grammar Book,” Diacritics, Vol. 17, Number 2 (1987), 64-81.
Selamawit D. Terrefe, “Speaking the Hieroglyph,” Theory & Event, Vol. 21, No. 1 (January 2018), 124-147.
Frank Wilderson III, “Introduction: Unspeakable Ethics (1-34)” and (optional) “The Narcissistic Slave (54-94),” in Red, White and Black: Cinema and the Structure of U.S. Antagonisms. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2010.
Lacanian Approach to Race (Sexuation and Racialization) 1
Joan Copjec, “Sex and the Euthanasia of Reason,” (201-237) in Read My Desire: Lacan Against the Historicists. Verso Press, 2015.
Kalpana Seshadri-Crooks, “Introduction: On Looking,” and “Deciphering Whiteness” (1-57) in Desiring Whiteness: A Lacanian Analysis of Race. Routledge, 2000.
Antonio Viego, “All the Things You Can’t Be by Now,” (1-30) in Dead Subjects: Toward a Politics of Loss in Latino Studies. Duke University Press, 2007.
Lacanian Approach to Race (Sexuation and Racialization) 2
Azeen Khan, “Lacan and Race,” (148-164) in After Lacan: Literature, Theory and Psychoanalysis in the Twenty-First Century. Ed. Ankhi Mukherjee, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 2018.
Miguel Rivera, “‘[D]ifferent even from our “own” differences’: Racial Signification and the Legacy of Lacanian Sexuation,” Word and Text: A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics Vol. VII, 2017, 168-184.
Antonio Viego. “The Madness of Curing,” Feminist Formations, Vol. 25, No. 3, (Winter 2013): 154-159.
Optional Reading: Jacques Lacan, “Note on the Father and Universalism,” Trans. Russell Grigg, The Lacanian Review: Hurly-Burly no. 3 (2017), 10-11.
Patricia Gherovici, “Hysteria in the Barrio (11-27),” “What Is the Puerto Rican Syndrome? (27-39),” “Awake from the Ataque (145-171)” in The Puerto Rican Syndrome. New York: Other Press, 2003.
Joshua Javier Guzmán, “Beside Oneself: Queer Psychoanalysis and the aesthetics of Latinidad (171-187)” in Psychoanalysis in the Barrios: Race, Class and the Unconscious. Ed. Patricia Gherovici and Christopher Christian. Routledge, 2019.
Antonio Viego, “The life of the undead: Biopower, Latino anxiety and the epidemiological paradox,” Women and Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory, Vol. 19, Issue 2, (2009): 131-147.
Christopher Christian, “The analyst as interpreter: Ataque de nervios, Puerto Rican syndrome and the inexact interpretation (71-87)” in Psychoanalysis in the Barrios: Race, Class and the Unconscious. Ed. Patricia Gherovici and Christopher Christian. Routledge, 2019.
Mariano Plotkin, “Freud and Latin Americans: A forgotten relationship (21-38)” in Psychoanalysis in the Barrios: Race, Class and the Unconscious. Ed. Patricia Gherovici and Christopher Christian. Routledge, 2019.
Rubén Gallo, “Introduction: The Missing Pieces (1-12)” and “Freud’s Mexican Dreams (285-330)” in Freud in Mexico: Into the Wilds of Psychoanalysis. MIT Press: 2010.
Daniel José Gaztambide: “‘A Loving Encounter of People’: Freud, Marx, Freire and the Afro-Latinx Origins of Conscientizacao (119-148) in in A People’s History of Psychoanalysis: From Freud to Liberation Psychology.
Blackness and Afro-pessimism 2
Sheldon George, “Introduction: Race Today, or Alterity and Jouissance” and “Race and Slavery: Theorizing Agencies beyond the Symbolic,” in Trauma and Race: A Lacanian Study of African American Racial Identity. Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 2016.
Jared Sexton and Sora Han, “The Devil’s Choice: Slavery and the Logic of the Vel (141-160),” in Esoteric Lacan. Ed. Philipp Valentini and Mahdi Tourage. London: Rowman & Littlefield International Ltd., 2020.
Jared Sexton, “There is No (Interracial) Sexual Relationship (153-191) in Amalgamation Schemes: Antiblackness and the Critique of Multiracialism. University of Minnesota Press, 2008.
Jared Sexton, “Preface: The Perfect Slave (vii-xii)” in Black Masculinity and the Cinema of Policing. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
Zahi Zalloua, “Afro-Pessimism: Traversing the Fantasy of the Human, or Rewriting the Grammar of Suffering (125-145),” in Zizek on Race: Toward an Anti-Racist Future. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020.
The Skin and Epidermalization
Didier Anzieu, “The Notion of a Skin-ego (39-49)” and “The psycho-genesis of the Skin-ego (59-75)” in The Skin-Ego. Trans. Naomi Segal. Karnac Books Ltd., 2016.
Frantz Fanon, “The Fact of Blackness (109-140)” and “The Negro and Psychopathology (141-209)” in Black Skin, White Masks. Trans. Charles Lam Markmann. Pluto Press, 1986.
Axelle Karera, “The Racial Epidermal Schema (295-303)” in 50 Concepts for A Critical* Phenomenology. Ed. Gail Weiss, Ann V. Murphy and Gayle Salamon. Northwestern University Press, 2020.
Ani Maitra, “Aberrant Narcissisms in Dolto, Lacan and Fanon: Notes on a Wounded Imaginary,” differences, (2017) 28(3): 93-135.
Michelle Ann Stephens, “Fleshing Out the Act,” (1-31) in Skin Acts: Race, Psychoanalysis, and the Black Male Performer. Duke University Press, 2014.
Asian Americans
Juliana Chang, “Introduction: Inhuman Citizenship (1-27),” in Inhuman Citizenship: Traumatic Enjoyment and Asian American Literature. University of Minnesota Press, 2012.
Anne Anlin Cheng, “Beauty and Ideal Citizenship: Inventing Asian America in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Flower Drum Song (1961) (31-64)” in The Melancholy of Race: Psychoanalysis, Assimilation and Hidden Grief. Oxford University Press, 2000.
David L. Eng, “Racial Castration (1-34)” in Racial Castration: Managing Masculinity in Asian America. Duke University Press, 2001.
David L. Eng & Shinhee Han, “Introduction: The History of the (Racial) Subject and the Subject of (Racial) History, (1-32)” in Racial Melancholia, Racial Dissociation: On the Social and Psychic Lives of Asian Americans. Duke University Press, 2018.
Vine Deloria, Jr. “Jung and the Indians (17-33),” “The Jungian Universe (65-82),” “The Sioux Universe (83-98)” and “The Individual and Kinship (133-152)” in C.G. Jung and the Sioux Traditions: Dreams, Visions, Nature and the Primitive. New Orleans: Spring Journal, Inc., 2009.
Beenash Jafri, “Desire, Settler Colonialism, and the Racialized Cowboy,” American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 37: 2 (2013), 73-86.
Nicolás Juárez, “Each of Us Is a Council House: Talking to Spirits, Psychoanalysis, and Language” Critical Ethnic Studies, Vol. 4. No.2 (Fall 2018), 141-163.
Lorenzo Veracini, “Settler Collective, Founding Violence and Disavowal: The Settler Colonial Situation,” Journal of Intercultural Studies, Vol. 29. Issue 4 (2008), 363-379.
Homi Bhaba, “The other question: Stereotype, discrimination and the discourse of colonialism (94-120),” and “Of mimicry and man: The ambivalence of colonial discouse (121-131)” in The Location of Culture. Routledge, 1994.
Jacques Derrida, “Geopsychoanalysis: ‘…and the rest of the world’” American Imago. Trans. Donald Nicholson-Smith. Vol. 48, No.2 (Summer 1991). 199-231.
Ranjanna Khanna, “Introduction: Worlding Psychoanalysis (1-32)” in Dark Continents: Psychoanalysis and Colonialism. Duke University Press, 2003.
Alys Eve Weinbaum, “Sexual Selection and the Birth of Psychoanalysis: Darwin, Freud and the Universalization of Wayward Reproduction (145-186)” in Wayward Reproductions: Genealogies of Race and Nation in Transatlantic Modern Thought. Duke University Press, 2004.
Approaches to Race in the Clinical Setting
Daniel G. Butler, “Racialized Bodies and the Violence of the Setting,” Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 20:3, (2019): 146-158.
Daniel G. Butler, “Setting (on) Fire: Reply to Discussions,” Studies in Gender and Sexuality, 20:3, (2019): 171-176.
Killian, Kyle D. “What Interracial Couples Can Tell Us (1-22)” in Interracial Couples, Intimacy, & Therapy: Crossing Racial Borders. Columbia University Press, 2013.
Kimberlyn Leary, “Racial Insult and Repair,” Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 17:4 (2007): 539-549.
Kimberlyn Leary, “Race as an adaptive challenge: Working with diversity in the clinical consulting room,” Psychoanalytic Psychology, 29(3), (2012): 279-291.
Adrienne Harris, “The Perverse Pact: Racism and White Privilege,” American Imago, Vol. 76, No. 3. (Fall 2019): 309-333.
Psychoanalysis and Affect 1
Mel Y. Chen, “Lead’s Racial Matters (159-189)” in Animacies: Biopolitics, Racial Mattering and Queer Affect. Duke University Press, 2012.
José Esteban Muñoz, “From surface to depth, between psychoanalysis and affect,” Women and Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory, Vol. 19, Issue 2, (2009): 123-129.
Amber Jamilla Musser, “Introduction: Brown Jouissance and the Inhabitations of the Pornotrope (1-26)” in Sensual Excess: Queer Femininity and Brown Jouissance. New York: New York University Press, 2018.
Psychoanalysis and Affect 2
Moon-Kie Jung. “The Racial Unconscious of Assimilation Theories (83-112),” in Beneath the Surface of White Supremacy: Denaturalizing U.S. Racisms Past and Present. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2015
Paula Ioanide, “Introduction: Facts and Evidence Don’t Work Here (1-26) and “Epilogue: The Other Side of Social Death (175-206),” in The Emotional Politics of Racism: How Feelings Trump Facts in an Era of Colorblindness. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2015.
Ruth Leys, “The Turn to Affect: A Critique” Critical Inquiry, Vol. 37, No. 3 (Spring 2011), 434-472.